Beats Antique, a self-described “electro-acoustic gypsy hip hop straight from a time machine” band, came to the Grog Shop on May 3, 2011 with Beard-O-Bees (Jesse from Lotus) opening. What I do remember of this show was that it was a non-stop dance party full of electro-beats, percussion, and the belly-dancing prowess of Zoe Jakes, my ultimate girl crush. Dancing made it hard to take a steady picture, but I had captured a few that I’d like to share. By the end of the night, my friend Becky was on stage in a zebra mask dancing along with the best of them (kinda still jealous of that). These pictures are from my early days of wanting to photograph concerts. I didn’t take pictures after this show for a long, long time. But I am finally getting back into it, and I am loving it. Thanks to so many people who are helping me (read: kicking me in the ass) to either get back into it, or guide me in the right direction. You know who you are (ahem, Tim, ahem, Amber). So here’s to a few more posts for 2014. And here’s to a brand new start in 2015!